We've got answers... plus a couple of YouTube videos that might also be able to
help you out with getting started!

Getting started & onboarding

How much does it cost to set up an account?

It's free for to sign up and create an account with Grown Not Flown for both buyers andsellets.

How do I create an account?

To sign up for a new account you will need to have an active email address, create a password and agree to the user platform agreement and privacy policy.

If you would like a seller (grower or producer) account, you will need to select “I want a Seller profile”

when signing up and agree to the additional platform lister agreement.

You will asked to add a profile picture (optional but recommended), your full name and your location.

How do I complete my "Seller” profile?

Once you have signed up, you will be taken through to your “Shop Settings” where you will complete your profile.

You can create your own unique URL by adding your business or shop name in the first field.

From there, you will need to add your business name, address, description, logo or image, currency of trade (this needs to be the same as Stripe - please note we currently only offer AUD, CAD, Euro, GBP, NZD & USD), add if you have a public retail space, operational hours (if applicable) and delivery options.

Once you have completed these details, you are ready to connect your account to Stripe (top right corner of Shop Settings). If the “Register to sell with Stripe” button is greyed out, it means you are missing information from your profile.

How do I add delivery options?

If you offer pick-up or delivery, you will need to include this in your profile settings. This information is important because it will be used when you add items to list them for sale.

Pick-up can be selected from the dropdown box in the retail space; from here, you will be asked to add hours of operation. You will have the option to include public or pick-up. If you select public, this will mean

How do I publish my shop and profile?

Once you have completed your profile you will have the option to “Publish” your profile on our global directory and map.

To publish, in the “My Shop” section, you will see the "Publish”  option in the top right corner -click “Publish” to make your profile public - this will automatically change to show as “Unpublish” meaning your profile is public.

If you want to hide your account, simple click “Unpublish”.

Can I change my profile from a standard account to a “Seller” account?

Yes - if you signed up for a standard account, and would like to change this to a “Seller” profile, you can do this via the Settings page.

Go to “Setting” scroll to the bottom and select “I want a grower profile” - you will need to agree to the platform lister agreement and “save” changes. From here, you'll be taken through to

"My Shop” where you complete your business profile.  

How do I connect my account to Stripe

Once you have completed setting up your “Shop Settings” and have completed all the

required sections you will have the option to connect your account to Stripe.

Click on the button “Register to sell with Stripe” and this will take you through to Stripe where

you will need to complete the registration process. Please note, Stripe have different

information requirements depending on your business location and type.  

If "Register to sell with Stripe” is greyed out, it means your profile is missing some information

and will need to be completed before you can connect it to Stripe.

Once you are connected to Stripe, the "Register to sell with Stripe” button will disappear from

your shop settings.

Do I have to connect my account to Stripe?

No. You will only need to connect with Stripe if you want to use the platform to sell your goods.

Will my full address show on my profile?

Your full address will only be shown on “Seller” accounts where the user has selected that they have a public retail space otherwise we only show your suburb on your profile.

How do I edit my account details or profile?

You can edit and update your account details at any time including hiding your “Seller” profile

from our public directory and marketplace.

To update your details, go to “My Shop” and hit “Save Changes”.

You will not be able to update your shop URL or currency of trade. If you need help with these, please contact us via email help@grown-not-flown.com.au

Selling with Gown Not Flown

How do I add items to my online shop?

Once you have completed your "Shop Settings” and connected your account with Stripe, you're ready to start adding items to your shop.

Go to “My Shop” menu, select “Items” and “New” - you will need to complete the required information including adding images. If you are listing an item for sale, you will need to ensure you select “Buy Now?” option and the delivery options for this item.

Please note, the deliver options available will be as per your shop setting and you will be able to nominate the options that are applicable to each item. If you need to make changes to the delivery option settings, you will need to do this via “My Shop” and "Settings”.

How do I edit or remove an item from my shop?

Go to “My Shop” and select “My Items” - from here you will be able to see a list of the items you have added, it will show on the image if the item has been hidden or is out of stock.  

To manage the item, click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the item you're wanting to change. From here you can either edit, archive or hide/unhide - simply select the option you need. Please note, if you archive an order, this is the same as “deleting” an item and cannot be undone.

What happens when I get an order?

You will receive an email notification letting you know you have a new order. From here, you have 24-hours to either accept or decline the order.

You can accept the order by going to “My Shop” and select “Sales” - from here, you click on the 3 dots next to the order to accept or decline the order. You can also add view the details of order, add a note, send a message to the buyer, view your payout information (this takes you through to Stripe) or select help to get in touch with the Grown Not Flown team.

Once you confirm an order, the payment will automatically be released to your connected Stripe account minus the Grown Not Flown & Stripe transaction fees. Please note, if you accidently decline an order this cannot be undone so please take care when confirming.

If you do not accept the order within the 24-hours the customer will be notified that the order has not been accepted, meaning it has been cancelled and they will automatically be refunded.

What happens if I don't confirm an order within 24-hours?

If you do not accept the order within the 24-hours the customer will be notified that the order has not been accepted, meaning it has been cancelled and they will automatically be refunded.

How do I view & manage my orders?

Go to “My Shop” and select “Sales” - from here you can view and manage your orders including confirming or declining an order, view and manage the order, send a message to the customer or get in touch with the Grown Not Flown team.

If you do not have the “Sales” option under your “My Shop” it means you haven't received any orders yet, it will automatically appear once you have sold your first item.

What are the transaction fees when I sell through Grown Not Flown?

Grown Not Flown charges a transaction commission based fee of 4.8% per transaction.

In addition to this, Stripe charges a processing fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.

Total fees are 7.7% + $0.30 per transaction.

Grown Not Flown will automatically deduct the transactions fees prior to releasing payment to your Stripe account.

Buying with Grown Not Flown

Do I have to have a Grown Not Flown account to buy through the platform?

Yes. At the moment in order to buy and checkout on Grown Not Flown you will need to have an active account, however we are planning to create a guest checkout process and will be launching this soon.

I've placed my order, now what?

You will receive an email confirming that your order has been received. From here, the seller has 24-hours to confirm your order. You will receive an email confirmation once your order has been received.

When you checkout, we place a hold on the funds for the purchase however this transaction is not finalized until the order has been confirmed by the seller.

If the seller does not accept your order within the 24-hours or declines your order then you will automatically be refunded. Please note, Stripe processes this refund and it may take up to 5-7business days.

What happens if my order is declined?

If your order is declined then you will automatically be refunded the full-amount for the transaction. Please note, Stripe processes this refund and it may take up to 5-7 business days to reflect on your nominated account.

How will my order be delivered?

Pickup and delivery options are determined by the seller and so you will need to ensure you confirm these when viewing their online shop or as part of the checkout process.

If you have any query or concern, you can send the seller a message via the platform.

What is I have a dispute or issue with my order?

You will need to get in contact with the seller (or buyer) directly to discuss any issues or concerns.

If the issue cannot be resolved then you can send us an email to help@grown-not-flown.com.au and we will investigate. Please ensure that you try to resolve this directly with the seller or buyer before escalating to the Grown Not Flown team.


How do I view masterclasses?

If you have purchased and registered for a live masterclass then you will receive a Zoom invitation to the live webinar and will receive reminder emails from Zoom in the lead up to the live event.

Once the live masterclass has completed it will be available to view on-demand typically 1-2hours after the session has ended and will need to be viewed via the online masterclasses hub.

I registered for a live masterclasses but missed the session, how do I view it?

Masterclasses are typically available to view on-demand approximately 1-2 hours after the live session.

If you have purchased a single pay-per-view session then you will have access to watch the masterclass for 72 hours after the live session has ended or alternatively, from when you purchased the on-demand session.

To view on-demand you will need to watch this via our Online Masterclasses hub - simply click on the masterclass you have purchased to view.

How long do you get access to a masterclass for?

If you purchased a single pay-per-view masterclass then you will have access for up to 72-hours.

If you have an active GYM membership then you get unlimited access to our online masterclasses hub.

Can I register for a member only event if I don't have a GYM membership?

Unfortunately not, the member only events are reserved for our GYM members only, however if there is a member only event you want to attend then we recommend signing up. There are no lock-in contracts with our monthly membership.

Can I upgrade my single masterclass purchase to a GYM membership?

Yes. Please send us an email at help@grown-not-flown.com.au request to upgrade and we'll help you get that sorted.

How do I cancel my GYM membership?

Please send us an email to help@grown-not-flown.com.au requesting to cancel your membership.

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